This is a not so southern style sweet tea. It is Western Style sweet tea. It has less sugar and no baking soda.
8 Cups Water
1 Cup Sugar
4 teaspoons Huckleberry Tea or other Black Tea combinations, Herbal Tea or just Black Tea.
Place water and sugar in a pot. Stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved and it comes to a boil. Remove from heat and place a tea ball with tea or tea bags in the water for 5 minutes. Remove tea and cool. Place in a container to serve or store.
Serve cold over ice. Garnish with mint, lemon slice, or fresh berries.
When serving this mixture is a concentrate. In a glass fill it half way with concentrate, a fourth of the way with ice and finish the other fourth with water.
It will make a gallon diluted. 8 cups of tea concentrate, 4 cups ice, and 4 cups water.